
Initial Public Offering

Hong Kong is one of the three major financial centres and one of the freest economic systems in the world. It has a solid common law legal system and a simple low tax rate system, which makes Hong Kong the choice for many companies to go public to raise funds.
Funds raised from the listing can be used for business development, research and development, marketing and other areas that are beneficial to the company, but of course it must also comply with the strict rules and guidelines of the Securities and Futures Commission.
Our client’s successful listing also means that the company’s management and business quality have been affirmed by the regulatory authorities, which has a positive effect on the public image.


Hong Kong Island

Unit B2, 13/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong

China Representative Office

Hong Kong Wan Yeung Hau & Co. Zhu Hai Representative Office (HK)
Room 1808 Hengqin Headquarters Building,
Hong Kong and Macau Avenue No. 88, Hengqin New Area,
Zhuhai, Guangdong, China.


(852) 5590 5928


(852) 3616 6168


3616 6169 (Conveyancing) / 2877 6377 (Litigation)
